September 25, 2016

Bougainvillea Varities - Double Imperial Delight

Bougainvillea Double Imperial Delight is a pinkish white plant which originated in Brazil. The varity is a normally a climber but it can trained as a bush in pots or 3-6 feet high standard growth. 

Thorns will appear in woody vines of climbing plants and in standard growth. In potted bushes thorns appear rarely. This variety is a very good salt tolerant plant suitable for caostal areas. 

Blooms only occur on new growth. Therefore for best bloom long shoots has to cut to 12 to 18 inches. Plant prefer average moisture level and blooms are highly dependent on temperature


September 24, 2016

Introduction to Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a popular plant in worm and mild Mediterranean climates. It blooms all year round in worm climates. During heavy rainy seasons blooms really appear. The salt tolerance and the drought tolerance is also high. Therefore it suits for coastal regions.

It is an insect free plant. Fungal attacks is also minimum. Therefore no hassle of applying sprays for the plants.
Bougainvillea is the best blooming plant for gardens. Different shapes like standard bushes, hedges, creepers, arches stand alone ect can be featured in gardens with this plants.

The growth of the plant can be controlled by the root system. That is the size of the container restrict the growth. Even though the blooming pattern of Bougainvillea plans not get changed according to the size of the plant. The following three photos shows three sizes of the same verity.


There are different varieties of plants with different growth patterns. The best plant type has to be selected according to the location in the garden

For a successful plant the soil mixture, size of the container, methods of pruning, manuring watering and sunlight is very much important.

Bougainvillea verities and growing techniques, will be posted in this blog in the future posts.